Ninja Ginja (12 Cans)
FLAVOUR: Green and Black Tea + Ginger.
WILD & FREE: Bursting with youthful kombucha tang! Unapologetically wild, low sugar, all organic ingredients, natural fresh flavours and packed with billions of bustling microorganisms.
TASTING NOTES: Give your gut a kick! Delicious black tea kombucha infused with mouthwatering ginger. Bright and crisp with a slight hint of spice. Keep your tum-tum happy with this sneaky good brew.

Filtered Okanagan water, organic kombucha culture, organic green and black tea, erythritol, organic cane sugar, natural ginger flavour, stevia leaf extract.
Eau filtrée de l’Okanagan, culture vivante de kombucha (cultures bactériennes, levure), thé vert et noir biologique, erythritol, sucre de canne biologique, arôme gingembre, extrait de feuille de stevia.